How ya doin'?
Whatcha doin'?
Why ya always
Busy doin'?
Where ya goin'
Are ya reapin'
Whatcha sowin'?
Are ya worth less
If ya doin'
Less than all ya
Could be doin'?
Is there more ya
Should be doin'
To ignore'll ya
Ready doin'?
This li'l Earth'll keep ya
Always pushin' dirt aroun'
Ya can push dirt while ya live 'ere
Til' they put'ya in the groun'
Ya can get caught up in all yer doin'n
Doin' doing'n' doing more
Til' y'all done with all yer doin'n
Dun no better than before
What if all yer doin' did ya
Wasta keep ya blind from seein'
Thatcha let yer doin' kid ya
Ya lived yer life a human bein'?
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